Project management strategies from a stressed Engineering and Design conjoint student
Curious how one manages to stay on top of uni work, especially while doing two degrees at once? Wondering what exactly someone gets up to in an engineering and design conjoint? Look no further! Here, I’ll tell you a bit about the first semester of my conjoint and how I managed to stay (mostly) on top of the at-times intense workload.
Online learning isn’t that easy – technology tips!
You’ve (probably) online learned before, and at UoA, you’ll do it some more! It’s so important to stay on top of technology. Here’s some quick tips 🙂
Key highlights from my science degree
It’s that time of semester where it seems like everything is happening, all at once - assignments are due, tests are on the horizon, and there’s just so much to be done. While there’s no doubt uni is stressful, there are many positives to think about – and they often...
7 pictures from my 7 most memorable days at UoA (First Year Edition)
I have yet to experience a crazier time in my life than first year uni. The fresher experience is hectic to say the least and expressing that time coherently is a difficult task. But as the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words, so I thought what better way...
So you’re a Computer Science student
Every class and every degree have their own unique experiences – what’s it like when you’re studying first year Computer Science?
The Ultimate Bucket List for Freshers
If you have read any of my other posts,  you may have picked up that I am a HUGE fan of lists. So, with semester 2 well underway, I thought what better time than now to compile a bucket list of fresher activities for all my first-year readers. Get plagued by freshers...
University Hall – Towers room tour. Vlog
Hey guys, here is a room tour for University Hall - Towers at UoA! Hope you enjoy!
What You Can Do At University
When we apply for uni, we all have that image that we’re going to be learning things we really care about from environmental sciences, business management, media and communication, law, etc. But since starting uni, I’ve learnt there is so much more we can do rather...
How to study at uni
One of the biggest challenges about coming to uni is knowing how to study and what the learning environment is actually like. I remember in year 13, one of my teachers said that one lecture is like learning a whole NCEA internal’s worth of content - and while I can’t...
So many options and so little time…
UoA offers so many options for study – it can be so overwhelming to choose! These are my top tips for getting a better idea of what you want to study.
Maintaining Study-Life Balance In University
Growing up, I adored movies such as Pitch Perfect and Legally Blonde. They gave me the impression that university would be less stressful than high school. Not only would we be free from the tight and uncomfortable uniforms, but nagging teachers would also be a thing...
Grafton Hall – A glimpse into life across the bridge
Grafton Hall is a mystery to most, hidden away in the suburbs, it’s hard to find unless you know where to look. But, in my unbiased opinion, moving there will be a decision you make and won’t regret. So, without any more fluff, let me offer you a glimpse into life across the bridge!
Securing a Scholarship
Scholarships are a great way to kick start your first year at university. Regardless of what year group you’re in, it’s never too early or too late to start making a game plan.Â
A day in the life of a UOA student. Vlog
Hi, welcome to a day in my life as a first-year commerce student living in halls. Hope you enjoy this sneak peek of what a day looks like and feel free to leave any comments or questions down below! https://youtu.be/nJTZ17IZuwE
Autobots, Roll Out (and other sentimentalities). Vlog
Lucky last, from Tate.
New Year, New Room, New Flat – What To Take?
Whether you are starting summer school or Semester One awaits next February, a return to Auckland brings in the universal student experience (unless you have been studying offshore) – moving into a new place. I remember before moving into halls I received a list of...
Resources to Make Use Of
Once you become a student at UoA, you’ll find you get access to many new things. They come with hyperlinks hidden inside websites, newsletters, and emails; pamphlets are sometimes thrust into your hands, bullet points… often information overload. I’ve ended up...
Living Life in Auckland as a Student
How to find events, restaurants and community in the super city while you’re a student.