Why I Got Rid of the Time
A few days ago, I decided I was going to put away my clocks, watch, and change the settings on my laptop and phone to remove the time. Online learning has been difficult, to say the least. I couldn’t pinpoint why (apart from the fact that we are in a pandemic). I...
If there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I looooooove languages and I’ve found them to be one of my favourite things to study! A fun fact that intrigues all at dinner parties or whenever someone meets me is that I currently am learning three languages....
It’s a funny word. But you could say its oddness is appropriate to the unique experience. As a Law student, you’ll find that a lot of your time is spent learning and listening. But at some point, you’re going to have to answer a question, and someone will ask you why...
Studying for a lecture: A timeline
Being a student feels like a full time job. In fact, the university recommends that for each paper, you should invest ten hours of work each week. This includes lectures, labs, tutorials, as well as your own personal study outside of class. Assuming you take four...
One Semester’s Worth Of Learning
The first semester is over (whoo!!), and now we are wading into the second semester. University life certainly is different from anything I've ever experienced before; it's hectic, stressful, and so exciting. I have personally found University to be a platform of...
Extracurriculars in Medical School as a Preclinical Student. Vlog
We medical students try our best to get involved in multiple areas of life. Apart from our social life and medical school events, some of our extracurriculars include working/volunteering, leadership positions and keeping up with our hobbies. ...
Exam Day. Vlog
Hey there, So I thought it could be useful for you to see what it is like the day of an exam at university, so you know what to expect. In this vlog, I show my day and how I get ready to sit my marketing exam. I am also dyslexic, and that is why you will see in this...
A Day In The Life – BA Student. Vlog
Enjoy a day in the life of a Gender Studies and Communicaton BA student.
What to expect in First Year’s First Semester (BIOMED edition)
Hello there! I hope you didn’t mind me losing track of how fast time flew by, but here I am again, at the end of semester one. I felt it would only be right to pop on here and share my semester one experience with you! This is mainly for anyone interested in...
What it’s Like Getting Sick in University. Vlog
Getting sick is never fun. The experience of getting sick in university is very different to getting sick at home. You still got to cook. You'll miss classes and will need to catch up. You'll need to email the right people. Fortunately, I got sick at a time period...
12 Things I’ve Learnt During Semester One
Hey there, hope you don’t mind the ‘fashionably’ late blog post this far into the semester, but better late than never, right! Anyway, I’m Renee, a second-year studying Bachelor of Arts & Global Studies. I’ve been following the Inside Word since I was a Year 12,...
The BSc in Food Science and Nutrition: How does it work?
So, you want to study a Bachelor of Science. Great choice! You’ve come across the Food Science/Nutrition specialisation. Another great choice! Now what? The first question to ask yourself is whether you want to pick the Food Science pathway or the Nutrition pathway. I...
Multiple Choice Exams: A blessing or a curse?
I’m not going to lie, I too breathe a sigh of relief when I hear that an assessment is going to be multiple choice! However, don’t be fooled by the idea that multiple choice exams are ‘easy’. Not all MCQs are made equally. It’s important to actively and adequately...
Why I Love the Faculty of Arts
BA student, Tomoki Vincent talks about why he loves what he is studying.
The best study spots on campus! Vlog
Hey there, My name is Olivia Hubber, and I am a second-year commerce and arts student. Last year, I produced content for The Inside Word, and I am so grateful to be back again this year. I feel that I have learned so much already, and I still have heaps to learn, so I...
What Labs Are Like in Medical School and Biomed. Vlog
Before entering university, I had no idea what labs are. What are they like? What do you do? How are you examined? In this video, I will answer those questions. In terms of labs during Biomed, I find it helpful to use the analogy of following a recipe. Please let me...
The Summer Start Experience
Although the NCEA level 3 exams were months ago, I still vividly remember how stressed and anxious I was. My stomach was turning, my head was dizzy, and I felt like I was going to… Who am I kidding? I’m just being overdramatic. I studied for two hours the day before...
On Being Flexible
It’s interesting coming back to university as a second-year student. This time last year, I was overwhelmed with my introductory courses. ‘I will succeed in this course,’ I thought, and was making mental lists of all the things I had to do to get the most out of them....