First Week of Medical School – Part One. Vlog
The first day medical school! What a throwback. It was definitely an experience. Much of the day was spent going through what to expect from medical school and how it all works. The highlight for us was the Whakanoa ceremony in the Human Anatomy Lab. Everyone was...
These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things
Sometimes, University gets overwhelming. Don't get me wrong - I love studying, and I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times where I just feel totally swamped. At Uni, not only do you have to study, you also have to maintain your life. Now that I do my own...
Starting Uni 101 – Q&A. Vlog
Hey all, I hope you have been doing well. Today I thought I would make a Q&A video with some current first years for you to get an understanding of what uni is like. In this video, we also made some very delicious banana chocolate chip muffins! As always if you...
A Tour of Carlaw Park Student Village. Vlog
Carlaw Park is a non-catered hall for students who are not school leavers. Unlike Unihall (the hall I stayed last year), food is not provided. Although I covered most of the points in this video, here are some facts that may be useful. Apartments usually consist of...
The Best Places To Study On Campus
Oh, joyous memories of studying among people, instead of inside these four walls! Nothing will help you stay focused like the perfect study spot. It can be really hard to study in your room, with all your distractions. Your brain thinks of it as the place where you...
Attention All Budding Scientists!
If you’re passionate about science, come and have a read about the awesome Science Scholars Programme.
Working + Studying
Can you hold down a part time job while studying at university?
Things to do in Auckland
One of my favourite things about living in Auckland is the variety of places there is to visit around the city and events going on. Yes, I am writing this wistfully in lockdown, but hopefully, this will provide some inspiration for once lockdown is over and insight...
Day in the life of an online uni student. Vlog
Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. I remember back to when I was in high school, I wanted to understand a bit about what uni life was like. So today I have made a video of what online uni is currently like for me. I hope you enjoy the video and...
The Bachelor of Science & possible majors!
With term 3 for our high school students in New Zealand well underway it got me thinking about what I was doing this time last year as a year 13 student. A few of my peers were still deciding what to study (and that is totally okay). A Science degree (aka a Bachelor...
My First Conference in Medical School (Australasian Students’ Surgical Conference). Vlog
Hello! I'm Junius, a second-year medical student. During the lockdown, we had the opportunity to attend the Australasian Students' Surgical Conference (ASSC). It was completely online and did not cost us anything to attend! We listened to inspiring stories from...
You’re just an “Applied Scientist”
As some of you may know (from my rather concise bio), I study engineering, and it has been a running joke on my floor that us engineering students are simply "applied scientists". This has gotten on my nerves, since it has made me feel a bit self conscious about...
March Madness
Kia ora! Greetings! Hello! Welcome! It’s great to meet you. Even though we are not meeting in real life I’d like to virtually shake your hand, give you an elbow bump or reciprocate an East Coast wave – whatever’s allowed these days. My name’s Tom and I’m a first-year...
Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting Uni
Hi there, I’m Leticia, and I’m a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts student majoring in politics and English. The inter-semester break has been a good time to reflect on the things I’ve learned about uni and how to be better prepared for semester 2 and the rest...
The Best (updated) Study Spots in Auckland Central
The Best (updated) Study Spots in Auckland Central Why Getting Out of Your Room is Effective Of course, there’s days where you wake up and it just feels right to stay home and study in bed. A pantry (or a snack stash) at your disposal and a thick duvet, or your own...
Move in day – Waipārūrū Hall. Vlog
This vlog is of me moving from Christchurch to Auckland to start my degree. It shows me moving into the new Waipārūrū hall and me getting settled in a new city.
Life of a Biomed student *quarantine edition*. Vlog
Its 2016 and my year 10 self is sitting at my desk unsure of many things to do with University... that's when I came across The Inside Word and I've been reading this blog since then! So here it goes 😊 Welcome! I'm Jasmine, a first year student from Auckland studying...
A very strange first semester
Hi, I’m Libby and I am a first-year Biomed student from the North Shore of Auckland. I am very excited to share some of my university experience and thought I would start with a reflection of my first semester. Although I am excited to be back on campus for Semester...