on what its really like to be a first year student at the University of Auckland
These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

Sometimes, University gets overwhelming. Don't get me wrong - I love studying, and I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times where I just feel totally swamped. At Uni, not only do you have to study, you also have to maintain your life. Now that I do my own...

The Best Places To Study On Campus

The Best Places To Study On Campus

Oh, joyous memories of studying among people, instead of inside these four walls! Nothing will help you stay focused like the perfect study spot. It can be really hard to study in your room, with all your distractions. Your brain thinks of it as the place where you...

Things to do in Auckland

One of my favourite things about living in Auckland is the variety of places there is to visit around the city and events going on. Yes, I am writing this wistfully in lockdown, but hopefully, this will provide some inspiration for once lockdown is over and insight...

March Madness

March Madness

Kia ora! Greetings! Hello! Welcome! It’s great to meet you. Even though we are not meeting in real life I’d like to virtually shake your hand, give you an elbow bump or reciprocate an East Coast wave – whatever’s allowed these days. My name’s Tom and I’m a first-year...

A very strange first semester

Hi, I’m Libby and I am a first-year Biomed student from the North Shore of Auckland. I am very excited to share some of my university experience and thought I would start with a reflection of my first semester. Although I am excited to be back on campus for Semester...