Hello hello! Last Thursday I had my practical medical exam (OSCE), so I decided to share with you all the weird and wonderful types of equipment you’ll find in a medical student’s bag!
Dear First Year and Future me
Dear First Year and Future me, “The older you get, the wiser you get,” I’m unsure if that is an entirely accurate quote but you know what I’m going to go with it for the purpose of this blog post. It’s too late for me to go back and change things to reflect what I...
The very last test/exam season of the year is upon us! I attempt to de-stress before my test with some exercise, sunshine (and rain), and yum treats.
Baby Doctors
A long long long absence from The Inside Word, which means I’m back with a BIG update on everything that’s been going on. It’s been a busy busy busy second half of Semester Two – no doubt the busiest I’ve ever been in my entire uni life! It seems that every week a huge assignment is due, tests are looming, and we’re due back at our weekly hospital placements! So let me update you on by far the biggest change that’s happened this semester! We’ve started going into hospitals. Yay!
How to budget: life lessons 💸💰
Eeeeek. Money. Budgeting. Bleugh. (From a student's perspective) Budgeting at uni is not fun. Budgeting in general is not fun, but when you're a student and can't have a full time job it becomes imperative that you become good at managing where your money is going. It...
University is kinda hard?
University is the biggest part of my life at this current point. With that, it brings great challenges. Too much of something isn’t healthy, and i think that finding balance is the only way you can maintain it. Sometimes things come up which push you behind and it...
Law School: Love or Hate it?
Throughout high school, students wanting to go into law are told all about how competitive it is, the difficulty, the amount of reading required and that the slim chances of getting into part two and beyond. As a result, I had my eyes set on one thing, and that was to...
How to prevent burnout 🏫📚
Something I've realised recently, especially with how this last semester has been going in regards to workload is that the first year of Uni can be super overwhelming – and there is so much pressure on students to perform well. While pressure can be a good thing, it...
12 ways to be a better student this semester
For the purposes of this article lets just say that being a 'good' student is in the pure academic sense of the word. There are a million ways to be a good student, but when it comes to study there are definitely a few improvements that I've found help me infinitely....
First week in Hong Kong!
So, its 2:00pm right now and I’m sitting in my room with a bowl of half-finished oatmeal by my side listening to the typhoon rage outside my window. Not exactly the picture of exchange I had in mind. It’s been about a week into my time in Hong Kong, I thought I’d do a...
Things to do in between classes🎉
One thing that i didn't realise was going to be such a big deal this year was what to do between classes. For me this is less of a big deal because I live on campus, so if I have a huge break between classes I will just go back to the dorms. However if the break is...
My expectations for 360 Abroad Exchange
Hello Hello! As mentioned in my mini vlog series about 360 Exchange, I’m heading off to The University of Hong Kong for exchange in Semester Two! I currently have around 2 weeks left (at the time of writing 🤪) in New Zealand, which means I’ve been stuck at home, and...
First v Second
Looking back on first year, only positives come to my mind. Whether I have blocked out the bad memories of the stress of trying to get into law, late night assignments or homesickness or the fun of living within a few metres of all my friends in a new city as a fresh...
5 top tips: How to study for a hard exam/test
Last Friday I had my first law test for the semester and it was hell on earth. Okay that may be a little dramatic but still, it was 30% of my final grade (although the course does have plussage*) and I was determined to do well. We still haven't got the grades back...
reasons why YOU need to come to open day
As an anxious student in my final year with a few options for the upcoming year, I found looking at images of facilities and brief description on course outlines not so convincing for my decision making. That's when open days come in handy. Personally, I was deciding...
Homeless in the most expensive city in the world
Helloooo! Welcome to the last installment of my 'intro to exchange' videos (click here for the previous one), this one has a small bit of ranting in it (as at the time of filming the I was probably still going through the stages of grief 😂). As mentioned in the video...
22 things to do on the bus
(Before I start, check out that perfectly timed photo of three double-deckers in a row!) Tired of looking out the window or playing on your phone? Here are some other things (some more serious than others) that you can do on the bus, guaranteed to keep you...
Friendships for dummies
Now before you start calling me a dummy back, let me clarify that it’s just a reference to the ‘for dummies’ instructional books series 😂 However a better title might be ‘Friendships for dummies, from a dummy, because honestly, I don’t know what I’m talking about'....