A Good Couple of Weeks

A Good Couple of Weeks

As we all know, uni is a lot of work and is often quite stressful. A lot of us have found that as we creep closer and closer to exam season, we are getting more tired, constantly reading and re-reading essential materials and then collapsing mid-afternoon from those...
Add a Language to your Degree

Add a Language to your Degree

The semester is really starting to ramp up again with assignment deadlines nearing and exams just over the horizon! It’s a super busy time, and you start seeing people less and less as they lock themselves away to finish that assignment that was handed out four...

Readings, Readings, Readings

Hi Everyone, The video above just gives you a quick crash course on the readings we have to do at Uni. I have definitely picked papers this semester and a whole degree actually with lots of readings. In fact, I have one reading before every single one of my lectures....
Time Out

Time Out

Living with your friends and being able to constantly go to their rooms to hang out is one the of the greatest things about University. You realize very quickly who ‘your people’ are and all of their quirky traits and annoying habits. However, when you are stressed...